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Swaddle Blankets

Help your baby sleep soundly with these soft and breathable swaddle blankets.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a swaddle blanket?

If you’ve never had a newborn, the thought of wrapping your baby up so tightly that they can’t move their arms might sound a little wild. But many parents (and pediatricians) will tell you that lots of newborns are comforted by swaddles—many babies cry less and sleep more when they’re wrapped snugly. There are many swaddle options on the market, from the traditional muslin blankets to swaddles that might look a bit strange with features like built-in flaps or zippers. We’ve tested and reviewed dozens for our best swaddle blanket shopping guide.

When should I stop using a swaddle?

One of the most common questions new parents have is how long they can continue to safely swaddle their baby. It’s important to know what signs to look for to let you know the swaddling days are over as well as what age most babies make the transition. The most important thing to pay attention to when you’re swaddling is your little one’s ability to roll over. As soon as the baby starts to roll, it is time to stop swaddling. Read more about swaddles and safe sleep in this expert guide.

What’s the difference between a swaddle and a sleep sack?

There are two basic types of swaddles, traditional and two-in-ones. A traditional swaddle blanket is a large, thin blanket, usually made of a soft, stretchy fabric like muslin, cotton or bamboo. Two-in-one swaddles let you wrap your little one snugly or leave their arms out. They often come with features like snaps, zippers or Velcro that help make swaddling easier and ensure the swaddle stays secure. A sleep sack is like a mini sleeping bag for your baby and toddler. Sometimes also called a wearable blanket, a sleep sack is another alternative for keeping your little one warm without using loose blankets in the crib. Sleep sacks are usually made of cotton, fleece or wool and feature zippers and snaps for easy on and off. Many parents choose to transition their little ones to a sleep sack once the swaddle days are behind them. It’s meant to be worn over pajamas and is a great choice for keeping older babies warm without putting a blanket in the crib. Read more about appropriate swaddle and sleep sack use for your baby.

What should I look for in a sleep sack?

A sleep sack is more than just a tiny sleeping bag for your tiny human. Sleep sacks—also called wearable blankets—are designed to keep your baby warm and safe while they’re asleep. Our favorite sleep sacks are a safer alternative to loose blankets, which are a major no-go, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) safe sleep guidelines.

What is TOG?

TOG stands for Thermal Overall Grade, and it’s a measurement that indicates how much heat a fabric retains. Sleep sacks with a higher TOG are more heavily insulated and meant for cooler temperatures, while lower TOG sleep sacks are lighter-weight and better suited for warmer climates. Many manufacturers have TOG rating charts to help you figure out which one is right for your baby’s sleep environment.

Do I need a mattress pad for my crib?

After spending so much time choosing a crib mattress (not to mention the money!), you definitely don’t want it to get ruined. Mattress pads—especially waterproof ones—protect the crib mattress so you can use it through toddlerhood and for subsequent children too. Even if you bought a waterproof mattress for the crib, a pad is a safe way to make your baby’s bed clean and comfortable. Take a look at our top crib mattress pad picks.

What are crib sheets?

Crib sheets are fitted sheets specifically designed to fit snugly around a crib mattress. They provide a soft and comfortable surface for your baby to sleep on.