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Formula Pro Mini

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Formula Pro Mini With Riser Stand
Thumbnail of Formula Pro MiniThumbnail of Formula Pro Mini With Riser Stand



The Baby Brezza Formula Pro Mini With Riser Stand is the first compact formula maker that automatically makes a warm formula bottle instantly. It features the same patented mixing technology as their popular Formula Pro Advanced, but it’s 30% smaller which makes it great for travel and smaller spaces.

The Formula Pro Mini mixes and dispenses 2-10 ounces of body-temperature formula to the just-right consistency every time. The Formula Pro Mini works with virtually all brands of formula and all bottle brands/sizes.

The Formula Pro Mini is sold with and without the riser stand, which is typically required for tall skinny bottles 9 oz or larger. You can select the option with or without the riser.

What we love about it

The first compact formula maker made for smaller spaces and travel.


  • First compact formula maker for smaller spaces or travel: 30% smaller than the Formula Pro Advanced
  • Dispenses 2-10 ounces of body temperature formula to the just-right consistency
  • Automatically works with virtually all formula brands and all brands/types of bottles (tall bottles typically over 9 oz require a stand, sold separately)
  • Easy to set-up and use with all digital controls
  • Dishwasher-safe, removable water tank
  • Same formula settings as the Formula Pro Advanced
  • Airtight formula storage
  • Select option with or without the riser for taller bottles
  • 1-year limited warranty