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Minimalist Holiday Gifts for Babies and Toddlers
Minimalist Holiday Gifts for Babies and Toddlers

It can be easy to go overboard on gifts during the holidays. The tendency is not surprising, given that most holiday commercials show families with giant piles of presents under the tree. And the allure of that satisfying Add to Cart feeling can be even stronger when you want to guarantee holiday magic for baby’s first Christmas.

But in recent years, there has been a growing minimalist trend to give a child just four holiday gifts: something they want, something they need, something they wear and something they read. Four presents may not sound like a lot, but remember that baby would likely receive just as much holiday magic if you gift wrapped empty boxes. Plus, when your kids know the fun rhyme and pattern to your gift-giving, it can become a special new holiday tradition they can carry on.

Ultimately, the size of each child’s stack of presents is between you and (wink, wink) Santa. But here are some want/need/wear/read options to help you brainstorm (might we suggest matching family pajamas since they double as a photo op?).

Another pro-tip to keeping the holiday haul small? Use Babylist as a holiday wishlist so you can ask for what you and your little ones need, and nothing else.

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