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Why You Might Want a Second Baby Registry—and How To Make One

Congratulations are in order–again! You’re going to welcome your second (or third, or fourth) baby into your family. And while it’s likely you had a baby registry the first time around, you may now be wondering, “Do I really need to do this again?”

There’s no perfect answer to the question of whether or not a second baby registry is right for you, but there are some reasons why one might come in pretty handy. If you’re grappling with whether or not to create a second baby registry—and confused about what baby gear to add and what to skip—you’ve come to the right place.

Do I Need a Second Baby Registry?

Do you need a second baby registry? Definitely not. Is a second baby registry nice to have? Definitely yes.

There are a few reasons you may want to consider making a second baby registry.

  • Your children are close in age. Sounds a little counterintuitive, right? Can’t you just use all of the baby gear you already have? Well, yes…and no. If you’re having children close in age, especially a year or two apart, your first child likely won’t be ready to part with a lot of the gear you’ll need when baby number two comes along. (Think items like a crib and crib mattress, a monitor, a stroller, a high chair, a changing pad or table and lots more.) Creating a second baby registry can help point friends and family who may want to buy you something in the direction of items you need and will actually use.
  • Your children are far apart in age. A second baby registry works well in this scenario, too. Yes, you will be able to reuse a lot of the gear you’ve (hopefully) held onto from baby number one. (More on that below.) But what if you’ve purged, or passed along a lot of what you had to a friend or family member, or simply want the latest and greatest for your new baby? A second baby registry is a great solution.
  • Some gear can’t (or shouldn’t) be used again. We are one hundred percent behind used baby gear; it’s wallet-friendly and eco-friendly. But some baby gear cannot or should not be used again. Car seats, for example, expire after a set amount of time, usually six to eight years from the date they were manufactured. Crib mattresses don’t have a hard-and-fast expiration date, but most start to sag or show wear and tear after about five years. And anything that goes near your baby’s mouth—think bottle nipples, pacifiers, etc.—should always be in new condition to avoid rips, tears or holes. (Bottles and internal bottle venting systems should also be checked for damage and mold.)
  • It’s a good way to stay organized. Even if you don’t plan on sharing your registry far and wide, lots of parents-to-be create a second baby registry simply to help them stay organized. A second baby registry is an excellent place to see the big picture around just how much gear you need (or don’t), keep track of items you’ve already purchased or have been gifted and figure out what you still need to check off the list before your family grows again.

Second Baby Registry Etiquette

There are lots of questions around second baby registry etiquette. Is it okay to ask your friends and family for more gifts if you already had a baby shower for your first baby? Should you have a baby sprinkle? And can—and how—do you share a second baby registry? Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

What Is a Baby Sprinkle?

A baby sprinkle typically celebrates a family’s second (or more) child. Baby sprinkles have fewer guests and presents and are overall less of a to-do than traditional baby showers. They’re a fun, less formal way to celebrate a new arrival.

If you’re having a sprinkle for baby number two, it’s a good idea to consider making a second baby registry. You don’t have to share it (but certainly can if you’d like), but it’s a nice-to-have as a guide for guests who would like to purchase a gift and are looking for some suggestions.

How to Share a Second Baby Registry

You can get the word out about your second baby registry through word of mouth, via invitation (if you’re having a sprinkle or other similar type of event) or even through a quick text or email to friends and family.

For a sprinkle or other party invitation, it may help you feel less awkward if you take the focus off of the gifts and instead put it on the event itself. Wording like, “Please come and show some love, but don’t feel obligated to bring a gift! If you do want to bring something, Priya is registered at Babylist,” is a good way to communicate to guests that you have a baby registry but that gift-giving won’t be center stage.

How Do I Make a Second Baby Registry?

For most parents, creating a second baby registry is a lot faster and easier than it was the first time around. You’re more familiar with babies and baby gear and have a much better understanding of what you need—and what you don’t. Here’s how to get it done.

Take stock of what you have. Before you can figure out what you need, you’ll want to know what you already have. Do a quick inventory of the usable baby gear and clothing you currently own and make note of anything you might be missing or any items you may want duplicates of.

Do some quality assurance. You’ll also want to check the condition of the items you’re hoping to reuse to see if they’re worth holding onto.

  • Check your gear for any product recalls.
  • Check your infant car seat’s expiration date.
  • Be sure any gear you’re hoping to reuse is still structurally sound. Look over everything for cracks, chips, loose screws, broken pieces or other obvious signs of damage. If the item folds, make sure the folding mechanism is still intact; if there are hook and loop fasteners, be sure they’re still working; etc.
  • Check secondhand clothing for any stains, rips or other damage. Take a quick inventory of the sizes of the clothing you already have and the type (bodysuits, pajamas, etc.).

Be discerning. You’ve been down this road before! Don’t be afraid to use your (hard-earned) expertise as a seasoned parent. Spend a little time thinking about the baby products you really used the first time around and, almost more importantly, the ones you didn’t. What did you wish you had more of? What could you have done without? Using this mindset can help you figure out how to create your second baby registry.

Can I use Babylist to make a second baby registry?

You bet—and it’s really easy. If you’ve never used Babylist before, visit the Babylist homepage and click on “Start Your Baby Registry” to begin. (You can also download the Babylist app for iOS or Android and start there.)

If you already have a Babylist registry for your first little one, it’s simple to create a second by using this link. There’s a dropdown switch where you’ll be able to toggle between your active registries or create a new one, and you can even copy items over from sample registry templates or from one of your existing registires.

Must-Have Registry Items for Second Baby

As you try to figure out what to put on your registry for a second baby, breaking things down by category can be helpful. These are some of the most common items you may want to add to your second baby gear registry.


  • Two-camera baby monitor. Many parents register for a two-camera baby monitor (split-screen viewing is also a plus) to make it easier to keep an eye on two children at the same time.
  • Sound machine. A sound machine is perfect for drowning out noises from an older (and louder) sibling or for two children sharing a room.
  • Crib mattress. If it’s been a while since baby number one, a new crib mattress may be in order.

On the Go + Gear

  • Double stroller. An inline stroller that grows with your family or a side-by-side double stroller is a must-have for getting out of the house with two kids in tow.
  • Ride-along stroller board. If you have an older child who’s fighting the stroller but still won’t always walk independently, a stroller board is a worthwhile purchase.
  • Stroller wagon. These stroller + wagon hybrids are great for pushing (and pulling) two, three or even four children—and all of their stuff.
  • Car seat. A slim convertible car seat can help you avoid cramped quarters in the back seat if you’ll be taking another baby along for the ride.
  • Baby carrier. Even if you weren’t a big babywearer the first time around, a baby carrier is clutch when you’re parenting multiple children and need your hands free.
  • Swing or bouncer. A safe spot like a swing or a bouncer to put your infant down in while you tend to your older child can be really helpful.


  • Bottle nipples. Even if you’re planning to reuse bottles you already own, you’ll want to replace the nipples and start fresh.
  • Pacifiers. Pacifiers get a lot of wear and tear, so you’ll also want to replace those for every baby.
  • Portable breast pump. A portable can help you multitask if you’re planning on breastfeeding.
  • Bibs. Bibs take a beating, and you can never have too many.


  • Diaper backpack. A roomy diaper backpack helps you keep your hands free and holds everything you need for multiple kiddos.
  • Diapers. A try-it kit is a good way to check out new diaper brands that may not have been around when you had your first baby.

Health and Safety

  • First aid kit. Accidents happen, and having all your first aid must-haves in one convenient place is a good way to stay organized with baby number two.
  • Infant tub. If you plan on bathing two little ones at the same time, a low-profile tub is a good second baby registry addition.
  • Humidifier. If your children each have their own room, a humidifier is an item you’ll want two of since there will likely be times you’ll need to use both simultaneously.

Clothing and Accessories

  • Layette or gift set. If you need to refresh your infant wardrobe or simply want a few new pieces for the new addition, an essential clothing set is a good choice.

Gift Cards, Help and Favors

  • Gift cards. Gift cards and cash funds for things like home-cooked meals or a college fund can help alleviate the cost of raising multiple children.

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