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These Symptoms May Be Your First Signs of Pregnancy
These Symptoms May Be Your First Signs of Pregnancy

The two-week wait. Yep, there really is a term for that time between (potentially) conceiving and actually finding out whether or not you’re pregnant.

During those two weeks, you might be wondering if every twinge and sensation is a sign of implantation and could possibly mean you’re pregnant. And really, they could. These early signs of pregnancy can sometimes be felt within the first two weeks after your missed period, when you're considered about four to six weeks pregnant—sometimes before you've even taken a pregnancy test yet! (Haven't done that yet? Check out our guide to the best pregnancy tests so you can know for sure even sooner.)

Early signs of pregnancy


Also known as morning sickness, this symptom can feel like a churning tummy, the beginnings of food aversions or it can be full-on vomiting. It can start as early as week six of pregnancy (about two weeks after your missed period), and it's usually in full swing by week nine.

Nausea could definitely be the strongest early sign of pregnancy for some people. You're more likely to feel morning sickness (and feel it more intensely) if you've got a weak stomach. “If you’re prone to nausea and vomiting with migraines, menstrual cycles or traveling by boat or car, you’ll be more likely to experience morning sickness,” says Dr. Jennifer Lang, a Los Angeles–based ob-gyn and author of The Whole 9 Months: A Week-by-Week Pregnancy Nutrition Guide with Recipes for a Healthy Start.

If you don't notice any nausea, vomiting or food aversions early on, it doesn't necessarily mean you aren't pregnant—about 30% of pregnant people don't feel any morning sickness at all.

Breast changes

You may notice your breasts change pretty darn early—as little as a week or two after you conceive. They may get sore or swollen (hands off!), and your nipples may get darker as a first sign of pregnancy, too. You can blame the hormones progesterone and estrogen, as well as increased blood flow, for these early pregnancy symptoms.

“For breast tenderness, I recommend making sure your bra is fitting you well and is supportive,” says Dr. Sarah Yamaguchi, an LA-based ob-gyn. But she cautions against going on a pregnancy bra shopping spree, "since you'll likely go through several sizes throughout the course of your pregnancy and postpartum, especially if you're planning on breastfeeding.”


It’s normal to feel a little like you’ve been hit by a truck during early pregnancy, thanks to increased blood flow and your body getting used to all those hormones. Out-of-character tiredness is many people’s first clue they’re expecting. This is a cue for you to take it easy. “There is not a lot you can do about fatigue other than rest,” Dr. Yamaguchi says.


Spotting (sometimes called “implantation bleeding”) can be a sign of implantation, usually about six to 12 days after conception, which makes it a super early pregnancy symptom. It could get confused with the beginning of your period, but implantation bleeding has a distinct difference: It’s more like spotting or light bleeding—implantation bleeding wouldn’t be nearly enough to fill a pad or a tampon.

You'll also notice spotting that looks light pink or brownish, not bright or dark red like a regular period. Plus, this early sign of pregnancy usually happens sooner in your cycle than a period typically would.


Implantation can also cause a bit of cramping as the uterus starts to stretch, and the cramps may come along with spotting. There's a chance you may not even notice this early pregnancy symptom, since it tends to not be as strong or as severe as period cramps.

Mood swings

Between the fatigue and all the other symptoms you may be experiencing, you may notice that you're feeling a little moodier than usual. If you catch yourself crying for the smallest reasons, getting irritated more quickly or even feeling a bit more anxious, it's all totally normal. Early pregnancy mood swings are typically triggered by the sudden onset of pregnancy hormones.


Your blood volume increases by a whopping 45–60 percent during pregnancy, which can create headaches in those first few weeks. Be sure to drink plenty of water, and know that acetaminophen (Tylenol) is usually considered safe to take during pregnancy. But before you take anything, even over-the-counter meds, talk to your doctor first to make sure there aren't any contraindications with pregnancy.


Your cramping may not feel exactly like cramps but more like lower back pain. Like with headaches, make sure you're staying hydrated and getting enough rest; your body is super busy on the inside.

“It's really essential to listen to your body those early weeks and to rest as needed,” says Ana Genao-Tanney, an antenatal and postpartum doula. “This can mean naps throughout the day or getting to bed early each night, and just avoiding heavy lifting or strenuous activities.”

Peeing often

Pretty early on, a pregnant person’s kidneys start working overtime, and you might find yourself heading to the bathroom more often than normal. It's kind of an unexpected symptom in early pregnancy, since you might have thought this would come later (with a bigger belly)—it will, but it might happen in the early stages, too.


Maybe your body is craving different foods just to keep growing that baby, or maybe it's to give you more energy because you’re just so. dang. tired. Either way, you may end up having some pretty weird pregnancy cravings early on (olives for breakfast, anyone?).

Food aversions

On the other hand, you might not be able to handle the sight or smell of certain foods, even former faves. Food aversions go hand-in-hand with morning sickness—when you’re nauseated, strong smells can send you over the edge. If there are any foods setting you off, steer clear. “The best thing to do is to eat small, frequent meals that aren't greasy or spicy in order to manage nausea, vomiting and food aversions,” says Dr. Kim Langdon, ob-gyn.

Bloating and constipation

Feeling bloated suddenly (and can't blame something you ate or drank)? Turns out, those pregnancy hormones are at it once again. Increased progesterone can slow down your digestion and make it harder than usual to zip your jeans.

Speaking of slowed digestion—you might be totally stopped up. This symptom isn't fun, but if your diet, exercise and general gut health are all fine, being constipated may be a clue that you’re expecting. Staying hydrated and eating fiber-rich foods like dried fruit can help.

Of course, the confusing part is that some of these early pregnancy symptoms can be part of PMS or signs of a common illness, so listen to your body, and try to be patient. (Easier said than done, we know.)

And once you are sure? You can plug in your last period in to our due date calculator to find out when you'll be expecting.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms with Twins

Wondering if there could be twins in there? Usually people who are pregnant with twins (or more) find out at the first ultrasound appointment—often around 8 weeks pregnant—when the doctor sees two amniotic sacs. Before that, though, there are some early pregnancy symptoms that could signal that there is more than one baby in there.

  • Elevated hCG level: A pregnancy blood test is more sensitive than a urine test. It doesn’t just tell you “pregnant” or “not”; it gives your doctor an actual hCG level. And if yours is higher than usual for someone as far along in pregnancy as you are, it could be an early sign that you're having twins.

  • Early 'showing' or weight gain: Twin parents sometimes show earlier or have a bigger bump than people with just one bun in the oven.

  • Stronger early pregnancy symptoms: A higher hCG level can sometimes mean more severe morning sickness or fatigue. In fact, hyperemesis gravidarum (HG)—a pregnancy condition characterized by debilitating nausea and vomiting—is more common in twin pregnancies.

There’s no way to know for sure your early pregnancy symptoms mean you’re carrying twins or other multiples. The only definite way to tell is to see it on the ultrasound screen—and what a sweet surprise that is!


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