Best Classic Books for Babies and Kids
Get ready to feel nostalgic over these timeless stories.
By Babylist Team
What better way to inspire a love of reading than to introduce your little one to books you loved as a child, taught you about love and family as a child…and might still know by heart? All the classic baby books have originality, artistry and wonderful storytelling that have delighted readers for generations, and you can continue the tradition with your family with these well-loved, nostalgic favorites. Bonus: many of them also happen to be award-winning books, so there’s that.
Little caterpillar, BIG appetite! As the caterpillar takes the journey to become a butterfly, your little one will learn foods, numbers and days of the week (and the valuable lesson that lots of junk food = an upset tummy).
Penguin Random House The Very Hungry Caterpillar Board Book
Parenting = unconditional love and a bond that lasts a lifetime. This classic affirmation of the bond between parent and child makes a great sentimental story for bedtime or any time.
Firefly Books Love You Forever (2014)
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (shown here in the Babylist Baby Starter Library collection) may very well be the most popular way for even the youngest babies to learn their colors (and a few key animals). Brown bears, purple cats, white dogs and even diverse children have made it a favorite for nearly 40 years. Get this book plus four others in our exclusive kit.
Babylist Baby Starter Library Book Gift Box
An interactive reading experience is always a classic choice for babies and toddlers, especially if it involves zoo animals. Page after page of this book features flaps that reveal hidden animals as the reader is lead through a guessing game of “Which pet is right for me?”
Ingram Dear Zoo Board Book
Max is a wild boy with a wild imagination, and when he goes to find where all the Wild Things are, he’s crowned king of them all! But what should he do when he starts to feel lonely?
HarperCollins Where the Wild Things Are
This classic tale of learning to share remains close to the hearts of many adults and children alike. Rainbow Fish’s journey from being a selfish miser to becoming the most friendly, generous fish in the sea holds a lesson for all little ones who are learning to make friends: sharing is caring.
Ingram The Rainbow Fish
Set in Paris, this tale of brave, 7-year-old Madeline’s trip to the hospital is as charming today as it was in 1940. The combination of spirited heroine, timelessly appealing art, good humor and poetic text makes Madeline a perennial favorite with children of all ages.
Penguin Random House Madeline
This beautifully bound volume includes the complete illustrated works of Beatrix Potter, plus four posthumously published stories. The collection includes each stand-alone story, including The Tale of Peter Rabbit, the classic story about the naughty bunny caught in Mr. McGregor’s garden.
Ingram Beatrix Potter the Complete Tales
Corduroy has been a classic for more than 40 years, and even the youngest readers can enjoy this sweet story of a bear looking for a home.
Penguin Random House Corduroy Big Board Book
This beloved bedtime story has been gently lulling children to sleep for generations. The natural softness of the words combined with the adorable vintage illustrations will make this a nighttime go-to on your bookshelf.