The Best Bug Sprays to Keep Your Baby Bite-Free All Summer
Keep baby's sensitive skin protected from biting bugs with these insect repellent creams, sprays & wipes.

No one likes getting bug bites. Even worse is seeing your little one suffer from itchy mosquito bites or a latched-on tick. And with the different diseases that insects can transmit, including Zika and West Nile virus from mosquitoes and Lyme disease from ticks, insect repellent should be top-of-mind before any outdoor adventure (second only to a great sunscreen, of course)–especially in the summer.
But can you even use insect repellant on babies? Thankfully, yes. This list breaks down all the main bug repellent ingredients as well as safe-use recommendations for pregnancy, babies and children. Before you take your little one to the great outdoors, here’s how to keep you and your family safe from annoying bites and potential disease.
Do babies need bug spray?
While some bug sprays are considered safe for babies, the best option is to protect their skin with clothing first. Breathable long-sleeve shirts and pants, close-toed shoes and hats should be your first line of defense against insects. And for any bits of skin that aren’t covered by clothes—wrists, neck, ankles—that’s where insect repellant comes in.
What bug spray is safe for babies?
Insect repellents come in lotions, sprays, wipes, balms and even patches, but there are three primary anti-bug ingredients that can safely be used on children: DEET, Picaridin and essential oils.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends using the lowest amount of DEET possible, which is usually about 10%. And even then, the AAP says to only use it sparingly and when absolutely necessary, and to only apply it to exposed skin. Babies two months or younger should not be exposed to DEET at all.
Keep in mind that the percentage of DEET doesn’t change the level of effectiveness. A higher percentage just means that the anti-bug protection lasts longer. Repellents with 10% DEET provide protection for about two hours, while 30% protects for about five hours. Following the recommendations from the AAP and choosing repellants with 10% DEET, you’ll need to reapply it on your baby’s exposed skin every two hours (the same amount of time as sunscreen).
If you’re worried about side effects with DEET, here’s what to know:
- DEET can cause eye irritation, so keep it far away from your child’s eyes.
- In very rare cases (think one in 100 million), it has caused adverse reactions in the nervous system.
- Be sure to keep your kiddo covered with clothing and only use DEET repellants just on exposed skin to minimize exposure to the chemical.
Best DEET Repellant
With only 7% DEET, this repellent from leading brand OFF! keeps the bugs away with minimal exposure to chemicals. And unlike other OFF! products, this is a manual pump, not an aerosol. The spritz feels good on skin, not oily or greasy like many other bug sprays.
Picaridin is great at keeping both mosquitos and ticks at bay just like DEET, but it has a much lower risk of irritation and neurotoxic side effects. It’s also effective for longer periods of time, so you don’t have to reapply as often. The only downside is that it hasn’t received as much long-term testing as DEET. A 10% concentration gets you five to twelve hours of protection.
Best Picaridin Repellant
This repellent, made from 20% Picaridin, provides up to 14 hours of protection against mosquitoes and ticks, and up to 8 hours against biting flies, gnats, chiggers and sand flies. And since it’s a lotion rather than a spray, wipe or balm, it’s super comfortable and soothing on skin and doesn’t feel greasy. Bonus: it’s fragrance free, so it won’t accidentally attract other insects.
Essential Oils
Many natural brands use botanical essential oils like cedar, citronella, clove, lemongrass, soybean and peppermint to drive bugs away. And while they typically smell a lot better than chemical-based repellants, most essential oils haven’t undergone official testing for their effectiveness.
Some parents report good results with botanical-based products, but they often need to be reapplied more frequently and have only been shown to ward off mosquitoes (not other bugs). And since essential oils smell so good, they may end up attracting more insects than repelling them.
Using too much essential oil can also cause irritation, especially on sensitive skin, so it’s best to spot-test essential oil-based bug sprays before fully applying them on your baby, and only use them for quick jaunts outside in areas with low insect populations.
Keep in mind: Bug sprays containing oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or para-menthane-diol (PMD) are not recommended for use on babies and children under three years old.
Best Essential Oil Repellant
This essential oil-based repellent lasts up to three hours as a mosquito repellent. While that may not seem like a lot of time compared to other repellents on this list, this DEET- and Picaridin-free spray can be safely reapplied more often and is gentler on sensitive skin. Its primary anti-bug weapons are citronella, rosemary and lemongrass oils, but it also uses additional essential oils to keep baby’s skin moisturized and give it a fresh, summery scent.
Keep in mind: There’s a chance this product might bring bees buzzing around, probably because it includes several floral scents. And if you’re not into the pump spray, Badger also makes a mosquito-repelling balm.
Best Repellant Wipes
Bug wipes in general work great for quickly applying repellant onto active, wiggly kiddos. And unlike other DEET bug repellants, these wipes don’t leave a greasy, oily or sticky residue. This resealable pack ensures wipes don’t dry out.
Best Repellant Cream
This cream works overtime to do double duty on insects. Apply it before going outside to repel mosquitoes, black flies, fleas and ticks. And, just in case you forgot repellent beforehand, use it to soothe any itchy bites.
Keep in mind: It’s made with a blend of eight essential oils, so the smell packs a punch. If you’re sensitive to scents, we recommend trying a different product. Also, the price can seem a little steep for such a small amount of cream (this jar is only two ounces), but you only need to apply a little bit at a time, so the container will last a while.
Choosing the bug spray that’s right for your baby
Let’s face it: No repellent is 100% perfect. You need to watch the clock and reapply as required without missing a spot. If you live in an area where your child is at high risk of getting bitten by mosquitoes or ticks, it’s best to go with the heavy hitters: DEET or Picaridin. If the concern isn’t as great where you live, you can keep your options open. But don’t ditch exercising, playing and enjoying the outdoors—just take these precautions and have good time:
- Avoid insect repellents on babies two months and younger. Instead, you’ll need to rely solely on physical barriers like long-sleeved shirts, long pants and mosquito netting for strollers and carriers. Just make sure the material is lightweight so your little one’s skin can breathe.
- Pregnant or breastfeeding parents can safely use DEET and Picaridin products.
- Avoid aerosol sprays, since they can be tough on the lungs (especially little ones). You want to avoid having your kiddo inhale bug repellant chemicals, which is why you won’t see any aerosol bug sprays on this list.
- Avoid applying insect repellent to babies’ hands, since they often shove them in their mouths. Also, you’ll want to steer clear of putting it near their eyes or mouths or on any open cuts or scrapes.
- Limit or avoid scented lotions or perfumes. Just like with the yummy-smelling essential oil repellents, wearing scented products can attract bugs when spending time outdoors in areas with higher concentrations of biting insects.
- Avoid combination sunscreen-and-repellent products. Although it seems like a great idea, it’s not. Depending on the repellant ingredients, the sunscreen may need to be reapplied more frequently than the bug repellent. By repeatedly slathering on a combo product, you’re exposing your child to more chemical repellent than is needed or recommended.
- Apply sunscreen first, allow it to soak in, then follow up with bug repellent.
If you’d like even more information, the CDC and AAP both have comprehensive articles all about using insect repellents on children. One of the main things to remember, too, is to always follow the directions on the repellent’s packaging.