29 Weeks Pregnant
At 29 weeks pregnant, baby is the size of a Kid Cuisine box, and you can start prepping for labor.

By Babylist Staff
At 29 weeks pregnant, baby is around the size of a box of Kid Cuisine. As for you, you’re cruising along in your third trimester, and things are starting to get real: You may be experiencing “false” labor pains called Braxton Hicks contractions. Don’t worry—this is just your body’s way of preparing for the big show. Here’s what else you should know about week 29 of pregnancy.
What To Expect At 29 Weeks Pregnant
💛 Congratulations 💛
There are only 77 days before your date!
How Many Months Is 29 Weeks Pregnant?
29 weeks pregnant in months is seven months pregnant, which is part of the third trimester of pregnancy. By the way, if you want to double check your due date, you can use our due date calculator to figure it out.
Your Baby at 29 Weeks
Your baby’s been, well, pretty see-through up until recently, when they started growing white fat deposits under the skin. This fat not only helps with the whole transparency thing, but it will help baby regulate their body temperature once they reach the outside world.
Fat is also how humans store energy, including the energy needed to work our brains. (Your baby’s energy is surging right now!) It also helps us stave off illnesses. Fun fact: Babies are born with about 15% body fat—that’s more than any other animal. Here are other interesting things happening with your baby at 29 weeks.
- Working reflexes: Your baby’s reflexes, like coughing, are working to get ready for the world outside the womb.
- Growing hair: Baby is developing more hair on top of their head and growing eyelashes too.
- Strong bones and muscles: Their bones and muscles are getting stronger and stronger as the third trimester progresses. You’ll notice that strength every time you get kicked!
How Big Is Baby at 29 Weeks?
Your baby is about 10.1 inches long from crown to rump and weighs 2.5 pounds. That’s about the size of a Kid Cuisine box.
Fun Fact
In Vietnam, potty training starts at birth, and most babies are trained by nine months old.
29 Weeks Baby Movement
Around 29 weeks, your baby may be very active in the womb—or not! Be aware that no two pregnancies are the same—your baby’s activity level is unique to them.
Your Body at 29 Weeks Pregnant
Does it feel like you’re up and down to the bathroom all day—and night!—lately? Your growing uterus is crowding your bladder, making you need to hit the ladies’ room more often. Here’s what else may be happening this week.
29 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Blocked up? Many pregnant people become constipated because progesterone is making everything move slower inside. (Eating lots of cheese and taking iron supplements can cause it too.) Make sure you’re getting enough fiber by eating fruits and vegetables. Additionally, stay hydrated and exercise regularly. But even if you’re slow-to-go, remember to avoid laxatives that aren’t approved for consumption during pregnancy.
Now that your uterus is getting bigger, it can cause pressure and swollen blood vessels that can result in hemorrhoids. Constipation doesn’t help the situation, either. To mitigate the situation, uh, down there, avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. Soaking in a warm bath or a special sitz bath (it’s a tub for your nether regions) can help and witch hazel pads can help, too.
Some expectant parents get “the spins” when they lie on their backs. This is called supine hypotensive syndrome, and the dizziness or lightheadedness is caused by a change in blood pressure and heart rate. Make it a point to lie on your side, and avoid a head rush by getting up slowly from a lying or seated position.
You’re more prone to UTIs while you’re pregnant. UTIs, aka bladder infections, happen when bacteria enters the urinary tract and bladder. “Relaxation of the muscles of the urinary tract and compression from the growing uterus are both likely related to the higher rates of kidney infections in pregnancy,” says Dr. Mariam Naqvi, an assistant professor in maternal fetal medicine and obstetrics and gynecology. Basically, your uterus sits on the bladder and is becoming heavier by the day; it can prevent the urine from fully draining, which (fun!) can lead to a UTI. These need to be medically treated (usually with pregnancy-safe antibiotics).
If the condition isn’t treated, it can lead to a kidney infection and preterm labor, which are not things you want to risk. Signs of a UTI include pain or burning when you pee and feeling like you’ve got to go right now, among others. Dr. Naqvi recommends a few tips to avoid this pesky pregnancy problem: “Behavioral changes like adequate hydration, voiding after intercourse and wiping front to back may be helpful in prevention.” Find other signs, plus ways to prevent UTIs here.
29 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms Not To Ignore
At 29 weeks, there are some symptoms you’ll want to watch out for. Call your doctor if you experience severe headaches, abdominal cramping or vaginal bleeding.
Pregnancy Symptoms Coming Up In Week 30:
Heartburn, mood swings or trouble sleeping are symptoms you may experience in week 30.
Top Tip for 29 Weeks Pregnant
If you are unsure if your labor has started early, call your advice nurse or head to the hospital. Even if you get sent home, consider it a practice run.
Managing Multiple Registries?
Commonly Asked Questions About 29 Weeks Pregnant
The final trimester is all about growth, and your body is making some big changes. Here are some questions parents ask about these changes.
How do I deal with delivery anxiety?
Sometime in the next ten weeks, give or take, that baby growing inside you is going to need to come out. If that thought has you shaking in your leggings, know you’re not alone. Anxiety about birth and delivery is an incredibly common pregnancy “symptom.”
“Many patients have depression and anxiety during pregnancy, and since the pandemic, rates have only increased,” says Dr. Naqvi. But here’s the great news: You can do this, and your baby is going to make it earthside one way or another. In the meantime, manage your worries with meditation, long talks with trusted friends or a therapist and lots of self-care and patience. “Ensuring adequate rest, good sleep, strong support systems and removing stressors are all important,” Dr. Naqvi adds.
What should I be eating in my third trimester?
Calcium helps your baby develop strong bones and teeth, aids in the growth of heart, nerves and muscle tissues and promotes a healthy cardiovascular system. Eating enough of this mighty mineral (about 1,000 milligrams per day) is especially important during the third trimester—if you’re getting too little calcium, the baby will take what it needs from your bones.
“Calcium is important for fetal bone development,” Dr. Naqvi confirms. Dairy is a great source of calcium, as are calcium-fortified orange juice and soy milk, canned wild salmon, kale, chia seeds and almonds. To ensure you’re getting enough calcium, incorporate some of these calcium-rich recipes into your diet: Kale Caesar Salad, Chia Seed Pudding and Salmon Kale Wraps. “The recommended intake for Calcium is 1000 - 1300 mg daily depending on age, and for Vitamin D 600 IU daily,” says Dr. Naqvi.
What are some good ways to stay physical when in the third trimester?
Dance party for one? Make that two! Nothing gets your blood pumping like a few good twists and shakes with a pregnant belly. Plus, a random midday dance party is a total mood booster. Pick your favorite tune, turn up the volume and show your baby some of your best moves.
What helps with general discomfort in the third trimester?
Epsom salt, aka magnesium sulfate, will take your bath to the next level thanks to its soothing properties. Sprinkle into warm water and soak to ease hemorrhoid-related discomfort and body aches. Btw, this same combination is a lifesaver after vaginal delivery to bring relief to your most tender parts.
Recommended Products for Week 29 of Pregnancy
As you progress into the third trimester, it’s all about finding things that will give you more comfort and support. These products can help!
29 Weeks Pregnant Checklist
- Anxious? That’s completely natural. Consider a regular meditation routine to calm your mind. There are even some specifically for pregnancy.
- Up your calcium intake to make sure both you and your baby are getting enough of this important mineral. Try this kale Caesar salad.
- Make a labor playlist, which can help you stay calm during the long, challenging hours. You might want soothing, quiet music, empowering, high-energy songs or a combination of both.
- Mariam Naqvi, MD, Assistant Professor in Maternal Fetal Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cedars Sinai Medical Center
- Baby Fat Is About More Than Cuteness
- Whistle away the need for diapers
- Supine Hypotensive Syndrome of Pregnancy
- Urinary tract infection (UTI)