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Your 16-Week-Old Baby
Your 16-Week-Old Baby

Self Care: How You Doin’?

Before your baby was born, “me time” used to be all the time. Now, you have to be more proactive to find space in your schedule that gives you whatever it is that you need—a break, a boost, a book, a friend or all of the above.

Work out a plan with your partner, caregiver and/or family member that gives you time you can count on to recharge. No dishes. No laundry. No guilt. Whether that’s going on a Saturday morning walk by yourself or having a long phone call with a friend, doing something that makes you happy is key to your well-being. Here are some tips for how to fit it in:

Start small: Let’s say you want to get back into working out more. Ease in by doing short workouts at home, or making a point to get to one workout class over the weekend. If you want time to chill, download a meditation app and spend just 10 minutes in the morning or at night to simply breathe and calm down the ever-racing mind of a new parent. No matter what you do, have realistic expectations as you figure out how to fit things in.

Prioritize: If you have a one-hour window of alone time, what do you really want to do with it? One day it might be zoning out on the couch and watching TV. Another might be a power-walk. Do what you want, not what you think you should be doing.

Remember: Life with babies is unpredictable. Sometimes those best-laid plans aren’t in the cards. You may have to miss a dinner, a workout or that nap you were banking on. But try again another time.

Is It Time To Sleep Train?

Last week, we covered the 4-month sleep regression—when your baby’s sleep patterns change and cause more night wakeups. This developmental stage can be exhausting (and frustrating!), when none of your go-to tricks work. So, don’t be surprised to find yourself Googling “sleep training” at 3 a.m.

Some parents swear that sleep training is a way to get everyone much-needed shut-eye. These are several popular methods, but know that sleep training is not for every family.

Cry it out: There are a few variations on CIO:

  • One approach—“Ferberizing”—involves putting your baby to sleep when they’re awake, leaving the room and letting them cry for a short interval of time before going back to check and console (without taking them out of the crib). You’ll repeat this process as long as your baby is crying, while gradually extending the time you’re out of the room. The first night may be five-minute intervals, and then you can extend the time frame over the next couple of nights. Your little one should get the memo by the third night that you’re there for reassurance, but they can calm down go to sleep on their own.

The cry it out method isn’t for everyone and can be emotionally taxing. But if your baby isn’t sick, hungry or uncomfortable from a dirty diaper, letting them cry won’t hurt them and could lead to better sleep. But again, it can really tough on the parents, so if it’s not for you, that’s totally fine.

Bedtime fading: Need something that involves less crying? “Bedtime fading” is another way to sleep train that makes your exit more gradual. Sit in a chair in the room (or on the floor) as your baby falls asleep. But every night, move closer to the doorway. Your baby will still feel comforted that you’re there, but will get used to you being farther away.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to sleep training, since baby’s temperaments are so unique. No matter what approach you go with—if you decide to go with any—a good rule of thumb is to give your baby a few minutes to self-soothe and try fall back to sleep on their own before rushing into the room.

No matter what’s going on with your sleep situation, a great monitor will give you peace of mind when you’re not in the nursery. You’ll want one with crisp display and audio quality, a good range, and the ability to adjust it when you’re not in the room. Check out Babylist parents’ top video monitors.

Try This: A Sleep Coach

Feeling overwhelmed? Sometimes all it takes is an expert to point you in the right direction. Sleep coaches come to your home and create a highly customized sleep training plan that works for your family. They’ll give you suggestions on how to optimize the nursery environment for ZZZs and be available when you have questions. It’ll cost you, but many parents say having their very own “baby whisperer” is priceless.

Spit-up or Throw-up: What’s the Difference?

These days, no shirt is safe from spit-up. But there are times your kiddo may spew more than a post-burp “surprise.” Here’s how to tell the difference:

Vomiting is the forceful (sometimes projectile!) throwing up of the stomach contents. Your baby may be visibly upset from throwing up, have a fever or seem out of sorts.

On the other hand, spitting up is a less-intense flow or dribble that commonly occurs after feedings. Babies usually aren’t bothered by it.

While spit-up can certainly ruin the shirt you planned to wear to work, vomiting requires a lot more cleanup. When vomiting is persistent or you’re concerned about anything at all, it’s always a safe bet to call the pediatrician ASAP.

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