11 Weeks Pregnant
At 11 weeks, baby is the size of a Beanie Baby tag, and the end of your first trimester symptoms is near.

By Babylist Staff
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Alyssa Dweck
At 11 weeks gestation, baby is roughly the size of a Beanie Baby tag. Baby’s limbs are fully formed and functional, and their external genitals will start to differentiate. If you’re still feeling nauseous and tired, hang in there—the end of the first trimester is right around the corner.
What To Expect At 11 Weeks Pregnant
How Many Months Is 11 Weeks Pregnant?
Eleven weeks pregnant in months is two-and-three-quarter months pregnant, which is part of the first trimester of pregnancy. Only two weeks left in the first trimester! If you haven’t figured out your due date date yet, you can use our due date calculator.
Your Baby’s Development at 11 Weeks
All embryos form the same indistinguishable genitals starting at week five of pregnancy (called the “indifferent stage”). Around week 11, they’re developed enough to be differentiated between a penis and a clitoris with labia. But if you’re hoping to find out the sex of your baby before they’re born, you’re going to have to wait a little longer. External genitals are too small to be seen clearly by an ultrasound this week, but by week 13, you may be able to get a better view (assuming baby cooperates!).
Here’s what else is going on with your baby at 11 weeks:
- Transparent skin: Baby’s skin is still totally see-through, and if you could get a high-res image of them in the womb, you’d see their organs, circulatory system, nervous system and skeletal structure are all fully mapped out.
- Bones and cartilage: Most of baby’s skeletal structure starts out as cartilage, then gradually hardens into bone. Several bones have formed by week 11, but your little one’s skeleton won’t stop maturing until their mid-20s!
How Big Is a Baby at 11 Weeks?
At 11 weeks, baby is about 1.6 inches long and weighs .25 ounces. That’s about the size of the tag on a Beanie Baby.
Top Tip for 11 Weeks Pregnant
Your 12-week ultrasound is coming up. Drinking a cup or two of water beforehand will help you get a clearer image.
Your Body at 11 Weeks of Pregnancy
We may sound like a broken record, but if your pregnancy symptoms are still going strong, keep in mind that you’re inching closer to the second trimester, when many people start to feel better.
Morning sickness
You may still feel nauseous. Those pregnancy hormones are set to even out in the second trimester. But if you continue to experience morning sickness along with dehydration well into your second trimester, talk to your healthcare provider; they may have suggestions for relief.
Still exhausted? There’s light at the end of the tunnel. In the next week or two, your energy level will likely return to normal. Sit tight, and get as much rest as you need.
Frequent urination
Thanks to pregnancy hormones, increased blood flow and your uterus putting more pressure on your bladder, you’re probably heading to the bathroom more often these days. Frequent urination is a very common pregnancy symptom and is likely to last until you give birth.
Stuffy nose
It’s not a cold, it’s not allergies—it’s pregnancy rhinitis. An increase in blood volume can make nasal passages swell, so you may feel extra stuffed up or sniffly at 11 weeks pregnant. Your doctor may recommend nasal strips to help open up your airways.
Pregnancy Symptoms Coming Up In Week 12:
At 12 weeks pregnant, symptoms can include dizziness, morning sickness or headaches.
Commonly Asked Questions About 11 Weeks Pregnant
Can I exercise while pregnant?
As morning sickness improves and your energy returns, you may be up for exercising. There are lots of ways to stay active while pregnant, from walking to swimming to yoga. Physical activity can reduce symptoms like constipation, varicose veins and joint pain, and prenatal workout classes are a great way to meet other expectant parents.
Can I get a massage while pregnant?
Absolutely, once you take a few precautions. “For the most part, it is safe to get a prenatal massage,” says Dr. Christine Cantwell, pre- and postnatal chiropractor and massage therapist at Thriving Life Wellness Center. But you should avoid massages if you’re in your first trimester, have a history of premature labor or currently have preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension, Dr. Cantwell says.
Additionally, make sure you’re going to a certified prenatal massage therapist, as they’re well trained in the areas to avoid putting pressure. And always talk to your doctor first in case they have any concerns. But once you get the all-clear, go ahead and celebrate the end of the first trimester; between the lasts-all-day morning sickness, back aches and fatigue, you could use some pampering.
11 Weeks Pregnant Checklist
- If you’re interested in prenatal yoga, find a local studio with classes that fit your schedule or find some videos online.
- If you’re looking for a great way to pass the time during these early weeks, consider picking up a few pregnancy books They can answer your biggest questions and help you de-stress and demystify childbirth and breastfeeding. Here are some of our faves.
- Get some R&R. Give yourself permission to rest when your energy is low.
- Make an appointment for a prenatal massage. Even if you have to get it in the second trimester, you’ll have something to look forward to.
- Dr. Christine Cantwell, pre- and postnatal chiropractor and massage therapist at Thriving Life Wellness Center
- Pregnancy Rhinitis